Green solutions offered by a company to its customers is a good way to show the eco-advantages. Another good way bring in good dividends with the public opinion would be the green practices adapted by the company in its office and manufactures.
Following this logic, Xerox employees around the world initiated twenty projects meant to help the company make waste and energy savings. As a result, Xerox saved $7.3 million, eliminate 1.3 million pounds of waste and reduce energy use by 500,000 kilowatt hours.
Here are some of the examples of Xerox green practices:
The Webster Consumables Manufacturing Plant in Webster, New York, found ways to reuse or recycle much of the packaging that came with incoming parts, including 800,000 foam sheets, 200,000 pieces of tag board, 60,000 plastic bags, 57,000 corrugated cartons and 6,900 plastic skids.
A team in Wilsonville, Ore., USA, made the cleaning process faster, made it more environmentally responsible, eliminated 400 pounds of landfill waste a year and cut labor costs by $37,000 by using an alternative material for equipment cleaning.
A project from Venray, Netherlands, replaced an old chilled water system with one that uses ammonia, a natural refrigerant, which reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 130,000 kg in six months. The
project is expected to also reduce energy use by 300,000 kilowatt hours a year and save $15,000 a year.
A Rio, Brazil, team replaced one-time use cloths with washable cloths, replaced metal barrels with reusable bags, started composting cafeteria waste and found a new use for the more than 10 tons of toner waste it generates, sending the toner to be used as product for roadways.
Key words: Xerox, green practices, environment
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