Tuesday, November 18, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, November'08 issue


» Easy remanufacturing for certain models of laser cartridges ... More
» Chinese company with Japanese experience ... More
» In the kingdom of inks ... More
» Printing supplies in China ... More

Full page e-version of the magazine is also available here:

Download the November'08 issue.

Key words: remanufacturing in Eastern Europe, Chinese market, cartridges, toner, inks, compatible cartridges, inkjet, supplies, markets

Saturday, October 11, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, October'08 issue


» Easy remanufacturing for certain models of laser cartridges ... More
» Being lucky and brave - TNC from Bulgaria ... More
» Myths about chemical toner ... More
» Your customer is online ... More

Full page e-version of the magazine is also available here:

Download the October'08 issue.

Key words: remanufacturing in Eastern Europe, cartridges, toner, inks, compatible cartridges, inkjet, supplies, markets

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

RechargAfrica Magazine: September'08

The September issue of RechargAfrica Magazine, fully dedicated to the imaging supplies industry in Africa and Middle East countries, is availbale for free download.

The September issue in .pdf format can be downloaded directly from here.

You may also want to visit the magazine's website and browse all previous issues.

In order to advertise in the English and Arabic versions of RechargAfrica Magazine, please see the media kit here and contact us.

Key words: toner, cartridges, Africa, Middle East, inks, issue, download, imaging supplies.

Imagine Graphics

In this short presentation you can have a glance at the manufacturing process and distribution network of Imagine Graphics.

The Russian distributor of the company, Digital System is one of the sponsoring companies of the Russian-language magazine - RechargRussia Magazine - published on monthly basis by RechargEast.

Key words: toner, cartridges, Russia, Digital Systems, Imagine Graphics.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

All 2008 issues of RechargEast Magazine free to download

You can download .pdf versions of all 2008 issues of RechargEast Magazine from here:


Key words: remanufacturing in Eastern Europe, cartridges, toner, inks, compatible cartridges, inkjet, supplies, markets

RechargEast Magazine, September'08 issue


» Remanufacturing Instructions: Samsung ML1630...More
» Excellent refilling machines from Parai ...More
» OEM news in September... More
» Imaging supplies market.. More

Full page e-version of the magazine is also available here:
Download the September'08 issue.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lexmark losing ground in overseas market

Accoding to Gartner, Inc. Lexmark lost ground in the first half of the year in markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Trade publication Channel Web reports that Samsung replaced Lexmark as fifth in market share in the regions.

HP remained the dominant leader with a market share of 44.6 percent, followed by Canon, 16.4 percent; Epson, 12.9 percent; Brother, 6.3 percent; and Samsung, 6 percent.

Source: Gartner, Inc.

Key words: Lexmark, Gartner, cartridges, printers, copiers, maintenance, toner, parts, inks, MFUs

Samsung announces its leading positions in world sales of laser printers

Representatives of Samsung Electronics in South Asia announced their company jumped to the leading position in the global rankings of color MFU sales. The research company IDC adds up to this statement saying Samsung color laser MFUs took up to 30% of all sales in this segment during the second quarter of 2008. According to IDC’s calculations over 29% of sales of color laser MFUs in Europe are Samsung printing devices.

Besides color laser multifunctionals Samsung keeps being the second after HP in the segment of one-function color laser printers. Samsung printers take up to 20% of the world market of color printers. Sales of color printers jumped suddenly in Germany, UK and CIS countries in 2007-2008, which is due, as Samsung states, to the advertising campaign during Euro’08 in Austria and Switzerland.

Source: www.domain-b.com

Key words: Samsung, IDC, cartridges, printers, copiers, maintenance, toner, parts, inks

Thursday, August 07, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, номер за июль'08.


» Выставка RechargEast 2008 в Москве...еще

» Картридж Xerox Phaser 5500...еще

» Новости от компаний из СНГ и России...еще

» Фортуна клиента в Фартуне...еще

Полноцветная версия журнала:

Скачать номер за июль'08

Ключевые слова: журнал, скачать, расходка, картриджи, принтер, тонер, новости, восстановление.

RechargEast, July'08 Issue.


» Remanufacturing Xerox Phaser 5500...More

» Fartuna - Customers' Fortune...More

» News from CIS and CEE... More

» Your price policy... More

Full page e-version of the magazine is also available here:

Download the July'08 issue from here.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Пора сесть за парту!

Летние международные курсы RechargEast University в Болгарии: курс на болгарском.

Этим летом журнал RechargEast Magazine воплотил в жизнь идею летней школы для настоящих и будущих технических специалистов по ремонту принтеров и копиров. Прислушиваясь к мнению множества компаний из Восточной Европы и СНГ, которые сетовали на некоторый недостаток в опыте ремонта печатного оборудования, наш журнал решил заполнить пробел в знаниях путем организации открытых летних курсов.

Летняя школа для технических специалистов открыла свой первый мастер-класс 28 июля в 10 часов утра, когда первые 14 участников курса заняли свои места в аудитории.

Что же представляет собой данная летняя школа?

Во-первых, стоит отметить, что целью летней школы является возможность получить новые знания в области ремонта копировально-множительной техники и спокойно отдохнуть на живописном берегу Черного моря в Болгарии. Все курсы проходят в курортном местечке Св. Константин и Елена, который находится в близости Варны, известной своими пляжами, аттракционами, достопримечательностями и, просто, активной летней жизнью приморского города

Летняя школа включает в себя курс по ремонту копиров и принтеров, который проводится и пройдет на болгарском, русском, румынском и чешском языках. Курс на болгарском языке начался 28 июля. У данного курса даже появились свои спонсоры: компании ATS Bulgaria из Софии и TNC из Пловдива. Спонсоры курса раздали всем студентам свои рекламные материалы, а также полезную техническую информацию, которая им пригодится в будущем.

К удивлению организаторов во время курса для болгарских специалистов одним из участников оказался человек с 20-летним опытом работы в области восстановления картриджей и ремонта принтеров. На вопрос, что его заставило принять участие в курсе, он ответил „…Благодарю организаторов за такой курс, которые помогает не только освежить знания, а также научиться новому от коллег и лектора.” Он же добавил, что время и место проведения курса были отлично подобраны, что располагает к активному и приятному отдыху в паре с полезным образовательным курсом.

А вот слова Георгия Александрова из компании ATS Bulgaria, одного из спонсоров курса на болгарском: „Нам приятно, что нашу компанию пригласили быть спонсором такого мероприятия. Будучи дистрибьютором расходных материалов и копировально-множительной техники, нам интересен рост и популяризация нашей индустрии, что достигается путем повышения квалификации наших техников. Мы всегда готовы помогать новым и настоящим техническим специалистам материалами и информацией. На этом курсе вижу множество незнакомых мне людей – буду рад познакомиться с ними и завязать будущее партнерство…”

Другой приятной новостью курсов на болгарском языке стал факт того, что несколько местных компаний-восстановителей вели активную рекрутинговую деятельность, предлагая участникам курса места работы с достаточно интересной и привлекательной оплатой труда.

Фотографии первого дня курса на болгарском языке прилагаются.
Студентам предстоят еще 4 полных рабочих дней, после которых они получат сертификат, удостоверяющий прохождение курса.

Подобный курс на русском языке пройдет с 25 по 29 августа по тому же сценарию в курорте Св. Константин и Елена, Болгария. Приглашаем всех русскоязычных из стран СНГ регистрироваться на веб-странице: http://www.rce-university.com/seminars/kurs2008/kurs_ru.htm

Ключевые слова: курс, картриджи, восстановление, тонер, чернила, ремонт, принтеры, копиры, Болгария.

It is summer and, probably, it is time to go back to school!

RechargEast University summer courses in Bulgaria: we start off with Bulgarian

This summer RechargEast Magazine accomplished the idea of a summer school for professional and new techs willing to improve their skills in printer and copier maintenance. Having listened attentively to the opinion of numerous techs from Eastern Europe and CIS countries, complaining about certain lack of due experience in printer and copier maintenance, our magazine decided to fill this gap in knowledge out by organizing open specialized summer courses.

The summer school for technical specialists opened its first master-class on July 28 at 10 AM, when the first 14 students from Bulgarian remanufacturing companies took their seats in the class room.

What is this whole summer school about? – you may ask us.

First, it should be noted the main objective of the summer school is to offer a possibility of acquiring new knowledge and practical skills in the area of printer and copier maintenance as well as having a good rest on the Bulgarian picturesque seashore. All courses are held at the beautiful village St. Konstantin and Elena, which is located closely to Varna, the pearl of the Bulgarian Black Sea Riviera, famous for its beaches, attractions as well as its active summer social life.

The summer school includes the complete course for copier and printer maintenance and repairs, which is held in Bulgarian, Russian, Romanian and Czech languages. The first course in Bulgarian started on July 28. Besides its solely educational purpose, this course even attracted sponsors - ATS Bulgaria from Sofia and TNC from Plovdiv presented its advertising materials and technical information to all the students.

To the organizers’ surprise one of the Bulgarian students turned out to be a 20-year experienced tech from a local company. Despite his expertise and experience, his words to the question why the course had attracted him, were: “…Thank you for organizing this course, which not only allows to refresh your skills but also motivates to learn from colleagues and trainer". He also added the location and time for the course were rightly chosen, which is extremely important for studying and having a good rest.

Here are the words of Georgi Alexandrov, ATS Bulgaria, one of the sponsors of the Bulgarian course: “We are pleased to have been invited to sponsor the course. As a distributor of parts and printing devices we are interested in the growth of the industry, which can be only reached by professionalism of technical staff. We are always ready to help new and existing techs by providing supplies and information. I see a lot of new people at this course and I will be glad to meet them and start partnerships…”

Another pleasant fact of the course in Bulgarian was the activity of local remanufacturing companies in recruiting the students. Their offers were highly attractive and interesting.

Photos of the first day of the course in Bulgarian are presented below. The students will have 4 more days. Upon the successful completion of the course they will be awarded certificates, stating their practical and theoretical skills.

A similar course in Russian will be held between August 25-29, 2008, in St. Konstantin and Elena, Bulgaria.

All information about the course held in other languages is available at

Key words: remanufacturing, courses, Eastern Europe, cartridges, printers, copiers, maintenance, toner, parts, inks

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Однонедельный курс специалистов по ремонту принтеров и копиров на Черном море.

Журнал RechargEast Magazine рад представить вам очередную свою образовательную инициативу:

С 4 по 8 августа в Болгарии, на черноморском побережье, в красивейшем городе Варна, RechargEast Magazine организует однонедельный специализированный курс по ремонту принтеров и копиров.

Курс пройдет в международном доме ученых им. Фредерика Жолио-Кюри в городе Варна, Болгария.

Данный курс предназначен для:

• Малых и средних компаний-заправщиков, которые осознают важность знаний для выживания на рынке сегодняшнего дня;
• Малых и средних предприятий, которые нуждаются в дополнительных и РЕГУЛЯРНЫХ доходах;
• Дистрибьюторов, которые хотят самостоятельно поддерживать свои тестовые лаборатории;
• Практичных предпринимателей, у которых есть время научиться чему-то новому, когда они с семьей отдыхают на море.

Подробная информация и регистрация на участие находятся по ссылке.

Программу курса можно скачать отсюда.

Ключевые слова:
Курс, ремонт, принтер, копиры, заправка, Черное море, Болгария, повышение квалификации.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Importers Meeting (MIM): Dec. 8-12, 2008, Zhuhai, China

• R3 Groups Re-Industry magazines RechargEast (CEE), RechargEast (Ru/CIS), Recharge India and RechargAfrica & M.E. are organizing unique 4 day meeting between major manufacturers, suppliers and forwarders from Zhuhai /China and over 300 importers from so called “emerging markets” of CEE (Central and Eastern Europe, Russia/CIS, India and SE Asia, Africa and Middle East.

• If you are importer of toner, OPC, ink, parts and cartridges do not miss this golden opportunity to meet with real manufacturers from China and real importers from CEE, Russia/CIS, India and Africa/M.E.

• Nothing can replace the personal contact and these 4 days event will change forever your future business and survival chances.

• Registration is based on “First come-first served!” and spots are limited to max 400 importer companies (maximum 2 people from company).

All details are presented here.

Key words:
Importer, toner, OPC, ink, parts, cartridges, Russia, Europe, East, China, meeting, Zhuhai.

The first issue of RechargAfrica Magazine is already out.

RechargAfrica Magazine is the new project of R3 Publications (the group of magazines including RechargEast Magazine, RechargeIndia Magazine and RechargAfrica Magazine). The magazine is fully dedicated to the printing industry in Africa and Middle East countries.

The first issue can be downloaded directly from here.

I am also inviting you to visit the website of the magazine, where you could find all information about the magazine as well as its archive.

Key words:
Africa, Middle East, printing industry, cartridges, toner, inks, printer, magazine, download, PDF, free

Sunday, June 15, 2008

RechargEast JUNE'08 issue is available for download

RechargEast Magazine, JUNE'08 issue, is available for free download.

The free full-page .pdf version is available for download directly from this link:


The previous issues can be also downloaded here.

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Русская версия журнала RechargEast Magazine, номер за ИЮНЬ'08, выложена на сайте журнала.

Номер за ИЮНЬ можно скачать напрямую отсюда:


Предыдущие номер доступны здесь.

Key words:
картриджи, заправка, журнал, инструкции на русском, тонер, чернила, новости
cartridges, remanufacturing, toner, inks, magazine, news, Eastern Europe, Russia

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Submittal of press releases

RechargEast Magazine informs that it constantly accepts press releases, product news and any technical information relating to the industry of imaging and printing supplies.

Press releases are published for free. The priority is given to advertisers and companies from Central and Eastern Europe.

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Журнал RechargEast Magazine напоминает, что на рассмотрение для бесплатной публикации в журнале принимаются пресс-релизы, новости о новых продуктах, а также технические материалы, которые относятся к индустрии расходных материалов для печати.

Все материалы нерекламного характера публикуются бесплатно. Предпочтение дается рекламодателям и компаниям из Восточной Европы и СНГ.


Key words: press release, imaging supplies, cartridges, printers, Eastern Europe, Russia, CIS countries.
Ключевые слова: Россия, СНГ, расходные материалы, картриджи, принтеры, расходка.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

RechargEast May'08 issue is available for download

RechargEast Magazine, May'08 issue, is available for free download.

The free full-page .pdf version is available for download directly from this link:


The previous issues can be also downloaded here.
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Русская версия журнала RechargEast Magazine, номер за май'08, выложена на сайте журнала.

Номер за май можно скачать напрямую отсюда:


Предыдущие номер доступны здесь.

Key words:
картриджи, заправка, журнал, инструкции на русском, тонер, чернила, новости
cartridges, remanufacturing, toner, inks, magazine, news, Eastern Europe, Russia

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Results of RechargEast 2008 Expo.

RechargEast Trade Show 2008 took place on May 21-23, 2008, in Moscow, Russia, for the 5th time in its history. RechargEast trade shows are the most significant event in the imaging supplies aftermarket in the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Reputed in such a manner, the trade show attracts a large number of foreign companies promoting their products at the international level. Covering one of the largest and most perspective markets in the world (Russia and CIS) the trade show helps non-Russia companies find local parents and network actively, which is mandatory for successful business in the region. Therefore, RechargEast shows are so popular with Asian and Western European supplies and distributors of raw materials and parts for the printer cartridge remanufacturing and recharging process.

For local remanufacturing companies RechargEast shows have become the traditional meeting place very important for finding serious suppliers, for learning about industry news and for acquiring new practical knowledge and skills.

In 2008 RechargEast show had changed its usual format. The exhibition was divided into two areas: in one area local companies presented its products, in the other foreign companies demonstrated its achievements as well as discussed collaborative perspectives with the largest local companies. In other words, foreign companies had a great chance of communicating with the most interesting visitors to them: companies, which import products for selling in their own countries.

According to the data presented by the Russian company LINTEK, the registration-desk sponsor 2008, over 2500 visits were registered during the 3 exhibition days. That is, almost 1500 remanufacturing specialists, salesmen, decision makers from the industry from different companies visited the exhibition during the 3-day period.

This year the exhibition hosted two educational centers:

- Technical seminars and lectures were organized at the booth of UNINET Imaging: the lectured were presented by Mike Josiah, one of the most renowned technical specialists from North America, who is a permanent author of technical article in RechargEast Magazine and many other industry publications.
- Technical seminars and hands-on lessons were also held in the RechargEast Education Center. These seminars were offered to the public by Alexey Voevodin, a young and ambitious specialist from the Kiev-based company Alekhan-Service.

The day of May 22 was the “rush” period of the exhibition. At 11.00 the VIP forum sponsored by the Russian company IRWIN was opened. The forum gathered over 60 owners and top managers from local and foreign companies. The attendees discussed most urgent topics for the local and global aftermarket of imaging supplies for over 2 hours.

On May 23 a commission made of local and foreign exhibitors announced the winners of “The Most Active Russian Exhibitor”. The prize was awarded to two local companies ITCO Trading and GEST since the jury’s votes were equally divided.

At the end of the exhibition, on May 23, the Russian company IRWIN organized the traditional competition “The Fastest RechargEast”. This year the competition rules were made more complex: besides being quick and skillful, the participants were to distinguish between 5 different OPC drums; each successful go would bring a point.

In order to draw the final line, it’s possible to say RechargEast 2008 was successful. It gave the exhibitors and visitors not only the possibility to communicate, but also a good chance of taking part in various educational and entertaining activities supposed for boosting their professional skills.

Website: www.rechargeastshow.com | www.rechargeast.com

Key words: Remanufacturing, cartridges, printers, recycling, Eastern Europe, Russia, Moscow, market, aftermarket, inks, refill kits.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

RechargEast 2008 begins tomorrow on May 21, 2008 in Moscow, Russia.

The RechargEast 2008 Trade Show is starting tomorrow in Moscow. The exhibition will be held in the All Russia Exhibition center, Pavilion 69. The expo will open its doors tomorrow on May 21 and will last for 3 full exhibition days on through May 22 and May 23.

Over 60 local and international companies will exhibit their products to the expected number of 2500 Russian and CIS visitors.

Over 500 specialists from Russian and CIS companies have already pre-registered to visit the exhibition as of May 18, 2008.

The website of the exhibition: www.rechargeastshow.com

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Завтра, 21 мая, начинает работу выставка RechargEast 2008. Выставка пройдет с 21 по 23 мая в Москве, на ВВЦ, Павильон 69. На выставке выставляются более 60 местных и зарубежных компаний, которые занимаются производством и дистрибьюцией расходных материалов для офисной печати и сырья для процесса восстановления картриджей и ремонта принтеров.

Более 500 специалистов из России и СНГ зарегистрировались предварительно на посещение выставки.

Ждем вас с 21 по 23 мая на ВВЦ. До встречи!

Сайт выставки: www.rechargeastshow.com

Friday, May 09, 2008

MIS Toner Filling Machine

HP recycling program ad

HP has recently launched a new recycling program for inkjet cartridges. Have a look of how it is presented: inkjet printers are compared to home pets:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Seminar in Kiev Went Successfully

RechargEast Magazine organized a one-day seminar in Kiev, Ukraine, on April 22, 2008. The seminar was attended by over 60 specialists from over 50 Ukrainian, Russian and Moldovan remanufacturing companies. During the one-day intensive seminar program the attendees got to know with the products of the sponsors as well as attended the technical lessons offered by RechargEast Magazine.

Next event organized by RechargEast Magazine will be in Moscow on May 21-23, 2008, when the RechargEast show will be held.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

RechargEast Seminar in Kiev, Ukraine: April 22, 2008

RechargEast Magazine is organizing a new educational seminar for specialists in the imaging industry in Kiev, Ukraine.

The seminar will be a one-day event organized in the Hotel Lybid in the center of the Ukrainian capital on the day of April 22, 2008.

The program of the seminar is available here.

The seminar is dedicated solely to local remanufacturers and recyclers.

For all additional information contact our team at nikolai/a/rechargeast.com.

Friday, March 21, 2008


The Manuafacturer Magazine, a joint initiative of RechargEast Magazine and RechargeIndia Magazine, is out. The first issue was prepared and is published at www.manufacturermag.com.

The issue can be also downloaded for free from here.

Key words: manufacturing, remanufacturing, raw materials, directory, recycling, printing supplies, markets, Eastern Europe, India, China, Asia, Russia, imaging supplies, printers, shipments.

RechargEast Magazine, MARCH'08

The March'08 issue of RechargEast Magazine is available in .pdf for download for free:

Click here to download the March'08 issue directly.

In the March Issue:
>> Kanter from Czech Republic
>> How effective is your distribution network?
>> Small remanufacturers make the industry grow...

Saturday, March 01, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, February'08

The February'08 issue of RechargEast Magazine is available in .pdf for download for free:

Click here to download the February'08 issue directly.

In the February'08 you'll find:
» News from Eastern European markets of imaging supplies in English;
» Remanufacturing the Samsung ML-3050 Toner Cartridge Instructions;
» The article about the Ukrainian Group of Companies V.M., which Chose to Be Manufacturer.

HP Reports First Quarter 2008 Results

On Feb. 19, 2008, HP announced financial results for its first fiscal quarter ended Jan. 31, 2008, with net revenue of $28.5 billion, up 13% from a year earlier and up 8% when adjusted for the effects of currency.

Imaging and Printing Group

Imaging and Printing Group (IPG) revenue grew 4% year over year to $7.3 billion. On a year-over-year basis, supplies revenue grew 6%, Commercial hardware revenue grew 7% and Consumer hardware revenue declined 5%. Printer unit shipments increased 1% year over year, with Consumer printer hardware units down 2% and Commercial printer hardware units up 13%. Momentum in key growth initiatives continued, with solid growth in both the Graphic Arts and the Enterprise businesses. Operating profit was $1.2 billion, or 15.7% of revenue, up from $1.1 billion, or 15.3% of revenue, in the prior-year period.

The full report is available here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Russian OEM representatives about the local market of printing devices in 2007

In one of the January’08 issues the PCWeek published in Russian produced an interesting article about the market of printing equipment in the Russian Federation. In this short article PC Week published the opinions of the representatives of Russia-based OEM offices /Konica Minolta, Xerox Russia, HP, Epson/. Here I will give the main points put forth in the article.

…The actual growth of shipment of printing devices into the country grew by 15% as compared with 2006. The MFU segment grew twofold (in volume) and it is even higher than expected. This growth tempo allows to state the Russian printing market is close to saturation, but it still has potential for further growth in 2008-2009.

So what were the main trends in the copying and printing business in 2007? All experts say the MFUs are leaders in sales, color mono functional devices are also on the rise. The segment of A4 all-in-ones experienced the most significant growth rates as A4 is still the leading format in the country, said the representative of Xerox. Laser MFUs costing less 500 USD are in strong demand due to a drop in retail price for this type of products. These products (under USD500 color laser MFUs) have become popular due to the drop of the price under the psychological 500 USD barrier.

Epson’s representative mentioned that inkjet is already considered by businesses as a good alternative to laser printing. However, people from Xerox think inkjet printing shrinks and belongs merely to the realm of home printing.

What do all experts think about 2008 perspectives?

To sum it up, the interviewed experts thinks that:

1) the situation on the local market of printing and copying equipment will not change abruptly;
2) cost-per-copy principle will come upfront as more efficient and beneficial; this will make the market even more competitive;
3) some printing-based spheres will continue going digital (like university, educational establishments, etc.), this will increase demand for low-end color desk and small group devices;
4) MFU segment will continue to grow;
5) Logistics will be improved, which will result in better retailer-supplier processes.

The original article is available here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trends on the Russian Market of Printing Devices and Cartridges

The Russian company Teko, one of the leading distributors and suppliers of printing equipment and supplies, made a list of trends, which shaped in 2007 in Russia:

#1: Growing tempo falls and dumping is not a way-out:

Russian marketing of printing equipment cannot boast of 20-25% yearly growth anymore. Some segments show good growth rates, but the overall market growth is slowing down. In 2007shipments of printing equipment grew by 17-20%, which is lower than during 2006 or 2005.

#2: Fluctuatuations in USD rates:

The falling USD and growing EUR and their constant fluctuations made a lot of local importing companies to switch to RUR, which showed higher stability.

#3: Chips and laser color devices are the truth of the day:

Monochrome laser printers sink into oblivion. They are becoming real rarities. Ignoring color is the direct way to failure.

The full report in Russian can be downloaded from here.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Toner filling machine from Russia

The Russian company Novis features its toner filling machine.
The machine is present in the video below:

The price is around 5600 USD.
All other details are presented here.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Free access to RechargEast's archive

From February 1, 2008, RechargEast Magazine opens its archive for free access. The access to the online version of RechargEast Magazine will be free for you for one year when a reader provides the following information:

full name:
company’s name:
company’s acitivity:
full post address:
valid email:

This information should be sent to nikolai(at)rechargeast.com with the subject "RCE archive access".

The archive can be browsed here: Issues, company profiles, technical how-to instructions in Russian and English.

Keywords: aftermarket, rechargeast, archive, access, remanufacturing, cartridges

Friday, January 25, 2008

Panasonic to warn Russian consumers

The Russian headquaters of Panasonic made a statement that the company's specialists found there are a lot of fake Panasonic cartridges at the local market.

All cartridges are sold as originals and are of good quality.
Fake Panasonic KX-FA83А cartridges print well first 1000-1500 pages. After 2000 prints the black is less saturated and after 3000 prints the print is not seen.

The company's authorities suppose a large party of remanufactured cartridges produced in China are sold in the country as original cartridges.

Source: www.panasonic.ru

New Wi-Fi printers from Ricoh

Ricoh launched a new series of Wi-Fi printers The new HotSpot series of printers includes SP C410DN-KP (color printer) and SP 4100N-KP (monochrome printer). These two printers can print documents transmitted via Wi-Fi from any working station.

Ricoh follows the new trend of equipping printers with Wi-Fi introduced by Lexmark and HP.

Source: www.ricoh.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, January'08

RechargEast Magazine goes free. All issues can be freely downloaded one month after their publication in the printed version.

The January'08 issue is available in .pdf for download:

Click on here to download the January'08 issue directly.
In the January'08 issue one can find:
» Xerox Phaser 7400 Cartridge Reman.
» EcoTape in Bulgaria and Italy.
» Eastern European News.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Refill kit for Canon BJ5, BJ10, BJ20, BJ30

Source: http://www.daascom.com

Photo Paper Market in Ukraine

An interesting article was published in the Ukrainian magazine "Kompyuternoe Obozrenie" (Computer Review) in the December'07 issue. The journalists from the magazine spoke to the leading local aftermarket and OEM companies regarding the market of printing and photo paper. Here are some factual data from the article:


Anna Burdina, brand manager in VM / www.vm.ua :
>> the market of photo paper is growing rapidly in the Ukraine;
>> VM’s sales of photo paper doubled as compared with 2006;
>> 180 g glossy photo paper is the most popular in the company’s product range;
>> 10x15 is the most popular format for photo paper;
>> the ratio aftermarket Barva (VM’s trademark) vs. OEM photo paper is 1:10.

Alexey Goncharov, Sales Director, WWM / www.wwm.com.ua :
>> over 75-80% of all digitally made photos are left in digital formats;
>> still, a lot of local customers still perceive “photos” as pictures printed on paper;
>> as photo paper is not the priority direction for the company, the growth of sales in this segment was only 17% in 2007 as compared with 2006 for WWM;
>> 170-200 g photo paper is the most popular;
>> A4 230 g paper is also popular in terms of quality and price;
>> in the offer of the company the ratio “aftermarket vs. OEM paper” is 20 : 80.


Vitaly Leschinsky, Manager in IPG, HP Ukraine:
>> the growth in sales for the segment of photo paper is 50% in 2007 as compared with 2006;
>> 60% of all sales are for 10x15 photo paper;

Alexey Romanko, development manager, Lexmark Ukraine:
>> photo paper is one of the most dynamic markets;
>> it is hard to give precise figures about this market in Ukraine due to the diversity of distribution and dealer channels in the country;
>> the most popular formats are A$ and 10x15;
>> customers prefer glossy paper; professional designers and photographers prefer vinyl and polyester films;
>> customer’s attachment to a photo paper brand is from 40% to 60%.

Alexandra Tkachenko, senior manager in Epson Europe B.V in Ukraine:
>> our sales in the segment of photo paper grew by 60% in 2007;
>> 2007 best selling products are Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper, 10x15, 255 g, 500 sheet packs.
>> the new format photo paper (13x18 cm) was accepted pleasantly by the local market;

The full text of the article in Russian is available for download here.

RechargEast Magazine -> printing supplies aftermarket news from Eastern Europe.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Future Graphics about future

Refill machines from Dreamfill

Dreamfill offers finest table top toner filling systems.

>> for bottles/vertical cartridges filling;
>> refer to the below 2 illustraions from left only:

The offer expires on January 31, 2008.

For price quotes please contact Dreamfill or email us at nikolai(at)rechargeast.com

Key words: toner refilling, toner machines, laser printers, cartridge remanufacturing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Xerox = copier?

Xerox announced it redesigned its logo. An unpredecented act that needs millions to implement? Why is Xerox willing to do so?

An interesting article in this respect was published in New York Times:

Xerox Hopes Its New Logo Doesn’t Say ‘Copier’

Published: January 7, 2008

Still think copier when you hear the name Xerox?

The company knows that you do. And it is sick of it. Good grief, Xerox doesn’t even make stand-alone copiers any more.

These days, Xerox gets most of its revenue from machines that both print and copy, and that can be plugged into networks for use in offices and high-speed publishing. It has introduced 100 new products in the last three years. But it doesn’t want the Xerox name to conjure them up, either, given that services — like managing a company’s document flow — are a pretty fast-growing part of the product mix, too.

So this morning, Xerox unveiled what it says is the most sweeping transformation of its corporate identity since it dropped “Haloid” from the Haloid Xerox name in 1961. In a broadcast to employees, it announced that it would retire the staid red capital X that has dominated its logo for 40 years in favor of what Richard Wergan, vice president of advertising, calls “a brand identity that reflects the Xerox of today.”

The new logo consists of a bright red lowercase “xerox” that sits alongside a red sphere sketched with lines that link to form a stylized X. According to Anne M. Mulcahy, Xerox’s chief, that little piece of art represents the connection to customers, partners, industry and innovation.

Ms. Mulcahy insists that the Xerox brand already stands for all those things already, of course. But clearly she is banking that the new look will, perhaps subliminally, drive home the point that Xerox is, as she put it, “engaging and approachable” as well as “technologically savvy and eager to lead in the 21st century.” That’s a pretty tall task for a ball-and-X to accomplish. But Xerox points to a lot of research that says it is up to it.

The full text of the article is available here (click on the link).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Noritsu D701

At the 2008 edition of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas held last week, commercial developing-system manufacturer Noritsu showed off a photo ink jet printer designed to put more retailers in the business of developing pictures. The video below gives more details.

Source and more details

Spamming your printer...

Aaron Weaver has made a discovery the world could probably do without: He's found a way to spam your printer from the Web.

By using a little-known capability found in most Web browsers, Weaver can make a Web page launch a print job on just about any printer on a victim's network. The Web site could print annoying ads on the printer and theoretically issue more dangerous commands, like telling the printer to send a fax, format its hard drive, or download new firmware.

Weaver, a security manager in the financial industry, based in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, described what he calls "cross site printing" in a research paper published Tuesday on the Ha.ckers.org Web site.

For a cross-site printing attack to work, a victim would have to visit either a malicious Web site or a legitimate page that suffers from a cross-site scripting flaw, which is a common type of Web programming error. The hacker would then send JavaScript code to the browser that would guess the location of the victim's printer and send it a print job.

Weaver has launched the attack successfully with both the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. Because the attack works only on network printers, a printer plugged directly into a PC would not be vulnerable.

Full report here

Source: www.infoworld.com

Epson CISS videos

Epson ME2

Epson CX4200

Epson R260

Monday, January 14, 2008

HP is "impeccable"

Today I came across a research report for ink quality. The report was ordered by HP and its goal was to "prove" HP inks are better than any other inks. The research showed HP inks are the best of all. As they say, "he who pays calls the tune". Here are some graphs with the results. In the second one I admired the 0,0%...Even statistically this result is not possible. The researchers go against the stats :)

Here is the full report available for download.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Xerox Phaser 8860

Xerox has come with a new product to break with the traditional business model of printer manufacturers. In traditional printer-manufacturing business printers are reall give-aways, while ink and toner cartridges are supposed to return their price as they user replaces them.

Xerox Phaser 8860 is a product that costs over 2500 USD and offers 3,2 cent copies, whereas very few color printers go below 10 cents for a copy. Actually, this low price per copy is due to the use of solid inks and not toner. The speed is 16 ppm, which is way lower than in competiting devices. Still, the cost per copy is unbeatable.

Photo: PC Magazine

Friday, January 11, 2008

RechargEast Magazine, December'07

RechargEast Magazine goes free. All issues can be freely downloaded one month after their publication in the printed version.

The December'07 issue is available in .pdf for download:

Click on the picture to download the December'07 issue directly from here.
In the December'07 issue one can find:
>> Profile of EcoTape (Italy/Bulgaria);
>> Cartridges bringing in profits: Cartridge Land South-Russian manufacturer of printing supplies, among other materials.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

RechargEast Magazine for free

Thanks to our advertisers RechargEast Magazine can be distributed for free in its electronic version. The free .pdf versions of the magazine are availabale one month after their publication on the home page of the magazine's site. It can be downloaded and read on your computer.

Access to the online version on www.rechargeast.com is also free from Jan. 1, 2008. One needs just to register.

Have a pleasant read!

Monday, January 07, 2008

3D printers come into life

Printing goes beyond usual toner-on-paper or ink-on-paper rendering of text and images. The new generation of 3D printers come into being and become popular with specialists in such fields as architecture, automobiles, etc.

Why have 3D printers? Why have a 3D model and make a real object of it? Infact, there are needs for it. The most important need comes from various industries - 3D printers allow to build prototypes in the fastest way possible. Thus, it is possible to see the way a model may look like. As people from air craft project companies say, presentation of a 3D prototype can diminish the final cost of a product, as engineers do not need to create tens of drawings to see the look of a detail.

The UK Thinglab offers building products from drawings:

Here is one of the exisiting 3D printers. Such printers can cost as high as 40 thousand USD.